Brain Development
Helping Kids Have a Rich Set of Learning Experiences
All children have the potential to succeed in school and in life, but not all children have the same opportunities to realize that potential. Many children lack important support that prepares them for success. Without it, these children can quickly fall behind and often never catch up.
High quality early childhood experiences, inside and outside the home, can make a significant difference for children, creating a vital pathway for success in school and life. As the brain develops, emotional, social & intellectual learning are interwoven together.
Nurturing relationships and healthy interactions shape the brain circuits, laying a foundation for academic and developmental successes.
90% of brain development happens in the first 5 years of a child’s life. These first years are a time of enormous social, physical, emotional and intellectual growth.
Call to Action
A community with spaces & places where children can explore their world helps to grow the brains of the future.
Current Partnerships
Start United
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library
Fred Rodgers Institute
In 2018, United Way came together with the Kosciusko Chamber of Commerce and the Kosciusko County Community Foundation to create a long-term approach to addressing childcare in our community, Launchpad. Over the last four years, dozens of partners (businesses, schools, governments, service clubs) have joined the effort to create sustainable solutions to a complex problem.
- Since 2018, Launchpad has helped to create more than 400 new childcare slots in the community.
In 2022, United Way hired Rachel Alexander to serve as the Launchpad Outreach Coordinator for Whitley County. While Whitley County has unique needs, many of Launchpad’s efforts translated immediately.
The need for quality childcare exists across Indiana, by working across two counties the hope is to provide better options for even more families.
Launchpad seeks to build childcare capacity by partnering with businesses, who invest in the community so working parents can be engaged and productive.
Current Partnership

Sherry Searles